Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cole's Blessing

We blessed Cole last week, Finally! I know he is almost 4 months old but we were waiting for warmer weather and for there not to be as much sickness. Well, the day before his blessing we all got colds. So much good it did us waiting. Cole and I didn't get it that bad but Toph and Halle got it really bad. Anyway it went really well and it was great having both of our families there. Thanks to Toph's family for driving down to be here for it.

When he smiles now he sticks his tounge out. It is the cutest, funniest thing!

Halle was being so stubburn about taking a picture. She would not look at the camera or smile. So we could not get a good family picture.


Harward Family said...

These pictures are adorable! I love your family picture...that is something Brooklyn would do while trying to get pictures! Both of your kids are so cute!!

Jaeme + Randy said...

Oh dang that stinks you all got colds! Oh well now its done at least and you dont' need to worry about it. I would totally wait for sick season to end just like you did though. Such a cute family :)