Friday, March 19, 2010

Trip to China

Toph went to China last week to look at a Dental Lab there. He was gone for about a week and it was kind of hard to find the right time to talk to him. We I woke up in the mornings he was just going to bed. The time difference was crazy. While he was there he went to the Temple District which is where all of the shops are. He got me some really cute jeans and a bunch of other stuff . It is crazy how cheap everything is there. It was a good trip for him but I am so glad he is back!

Toph brought this dress back for Halle. She would not hold still to let me take a picture. She is getting so hard to take pictures. When I tell her to say cheese she closes her eyes and opens her mouth really wide.

1 comment:

Jaeme + Randy said...

I would love to get some cheap designer stuff from China, thats sweet! I'm glad he is back now :). We need to get together soon. Probably after the second week in April because then I am basically done with school yay!