Cole is 5 1/2 months now. Wow has time flown by! He is getting so much easier and he is so happy. He is always smiling and laughing. He still spits up and drools like crazy. He is starting to sit up by himself now and is rolling everywhere! His favorite thing to do watch Halle play and he loves it when she plays with him.
I got Halle and Cole's pictures taken a couple of weeks ago. Getting two kids pictures taken is a little more stressful, especially when you are trying to get them together. I do wish Mandy could have taken them but has hard to getting up to Logan to do it.
Finally, Halle is not afraid of the water anymore! She has always been very timid about getting in the water. So, I thought that there was no way I was going to be able to go swimming this year with her and Cole. But we went to St. George a couple of weeks ago and she did great by herself with a life jacket. Yea!!